The Conference
The success of the First International Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries (COPEDEC), held in Colombo Sri Lanka in March 1983, resulted in the subsequent holding of this special conference series once every four years in a developing country. Successful conferences were held in Beijing, China (September 1987), Mombasa, Kenya (September 1991), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (September 1995), Cape Town, South Africa (April 1999), Colombo, Sri Lanka (September 2003), Dubai, UAE (February 2008), Chennai, India (February 2012) and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (October 2016).
During the COPEDEC VI conference in Colombo, September 2003, a merger agreement between PIANC, the World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure and COPEDEC was signed and consequent to this agreement, a new International Organizing Committee (IOC) was formed and this International PIANC-COPEDEC Organising Committee is pleased to announce that the International PIANC-COPEDEC X 2020 Conference will be held in Manila, Philippines in November 2020.
This is the Announcement with Final call for papers and call for Fellowship Applications for PIANC-COPEDEC X. A Final Announcement including a listing of accepted papers and detailed practical information such as registration and hotel booking forms, will be issued in April 2020. Those wishing to ensure the receipt of the Final Announcement are requested to log into the conference website ( to indicate their interest.
Technical tours and social events will also be arrange during the week of the Conference. Pre-conference tours to interesting places in and around Manila and other places of interest in Manila will be arranged.
The language of the Conference will be English.
The active mission of the PIANC-COPEDEC Conferences is:
1. To provide an international forum where coastal and port engineers from developing countries can exchange know-how and experience amongst themselves and with their colleagues from industrialized countries;
2. To enable the developing countries to have a sustainable human resource pool of coastal and port development professionals.
The overall theme for COPEDEC X is “Enhancing Waterborne Transport and Sustainable Coastal Development”
As with previous conferences, the emphasis on technical subjects remains. Papers will focus on practical applications, planning, management and environmental aspects of coastal, port and inland waterway engineering in developing and industrialized countries, including documentation of case studies.
Port Engineering
Coastal and inland port (infra)structures
Physical and numerical modelling
Maintenance, Inspection and Repair of Port Structures
New Equipment and Materials for Construction of Port Structures
Hydrography and Dredging
Port Planning and Management
Port harbor and marina planning and layout
Nautical aspects
Operations and Maintenance
Mooring and ship motions
Port Safety and Management
Coastal Engineering
Coastal infrastructures
Coastal stabilization
Intake and outfall system
Coastal protection
Tidal inlets
Materials for use in the marine environment
Coastal processes
Coastal sediments and hydrodynamics
Marine surveys and Instrumentation
Remote Sensing
Waves and currents
Sediment Transport, Erosion and Geomorphology
Coastal Zone and Coastal Risk Management
Integrated Coastal Zone Management
Waterfront Development
Coastal vegetation and forests
Tourism and recreation
Numerical Techniques
Extreme wave events and analysis
Crisis Management of Marine Hazards
Maritime Safety Management
Short Sea Shipping, Coastal and Inland Navigation
Port and Coastal environmental issues and Climate Change
International Conventions, Rules and Regulations
Pollution and Environmental impacts of Structures and Marine Transportation
Coastal and Marine Ecosystems
Climate Change
Marine Renewable Energy
Offshore and Marine Pipeline Engineering
Design and construction of Offshore Structures
Maintenance, Inspection and Repair of Offshore Structures
Planning and Construction of Submarine Pipelines
Marine Geotechnics
To meet the main objective of the conference, an increased number of fellowships is being planned to be made available by the sponsors.
Any professional, student or scientist living and working under a local labor contract in a country in transition is entitled to apply for a fellowship. The fellowship will only be provided to individuals on application, not to institutions. Fellowship application forms may be downloaded from the conference website. Prospective fellows are encouraged to solicit other local funds first, as in principle only part funding will be given. Participants able to partially support themselves through own or other funding will be given preference by the Fellowship Awards Committee. Exceptions may be made for needy participants. Funding is restricted to international air transport, and/or conference registration fee and accommodation. Funding will be provided primarily for authors and emphasis will be on young active professionals. Chairmen of technical sessions and invited key persons are also eligible for fellowships, if funds are available.
The conference organizers have decided to use surplus funds from previous conferences to award five fellowships to authors of Sri Lankan origin and nine fellowships to authors of Brazilian origin who are living and working under a local labor contract in the mentioned countries.
Each application will be evaluated by the Fellowship Award Committee against a set of criteria to determine the level of funding to be granted. Those interested are requested to fill in and submit the Fellowship Application form which can be downloaded from the conference website at the time of submission of abstracts. Applicants will be informed in February 2020 whether their applications are successful. Additional fellowships are being arranged by PIANC and other sponsors.
Other sources for grants are also being sought.